Liberation Radio
FRELIMO President Dr. Mondlane addressing a public meeting in Kawe near Dar es Salaam.
Day two of our Liberation Radio: Dar es Salaam broadcast, live from TPH Bookshop:
2pm – Liberation Dance: When Tarzan Met the African Freedom Fighter
An ongoing exploration of struggle music – literally, music produced by and through the movements and people involved in Africa’s liberation struggle, rather than about it. “Struggle Music” is also a misnomer, it designates collective expression which, although musical, refuses to be “music” – or the process of individuation that produces it. It helps us demarcate from what is customarily called “protest music” – which, at times, may be used to silence protest, or, as our comrade Harmony Holiday sweetly put it, “harmonise with the state”. Liberation Dance is unscripted and serves as both intro and outro to the day’s programming.
3pm – Radio USARF: FRELIMO in Dar
Of interest is the struggle for control of FRELIMO between the Adelino Gwambe/Marcelino dos Santos faction, which was backed by Nkrumah and financed by Moscow, against Mondlane/TANU/CIA. FRELIMO is also interesting because it is the firstborn of the exiled lib movements, and for a decade at least, was the most notorious as well as the most favoured both by Nyerere and the Cold War big boys. The civil war within FRELIMO, culminating in Mondlane’s assassination at the end of that decade, embodies not just the contradictions within individual liberation movements, but the wider dilemma of tactical relationships with Cold Warriors.
5pm – Pungwe Radio: Black August
Connecting intergenerational practice of liberation through time Black August unpacks continuous struggles of hardship and resistance. Moments of rebellion coincidently taking place in the politically auspicious month of August, mirrors one of the million connections our African states share, connections that should not stop at experience but move into unified resolution. To dig into the multitude of processes of liberation we engage in conversation vital minds such as Nora Schimming Chase, a SWAPO exile in Dar who in the 60s, along with her sister 0ttille, left European Doctoral programs to come home.
6pm – We dreamt of Utopia and Woke Up Screaming
Getting to know Dar and searching for the liberation movement buildings, Yasmina and Bernard Ntahondi, the city’s history and architecture heritage guide, re-enact their city tour of Dar es Salaam. Their experience in looking for the buildings which once housed Frelimo, ANC, the OAU, etc., and their disappointment in what they found in what was sites of resistance.
7pm – Liberation Music with John Kitime
Legendary musician and broadcaster John Kitime reviews the music from/about the liberation struggle in Dar of the 1970s.
[Live crossover to Freies Radio (Kassel, Germany) from 2pm-4pm CET]
t The scene outside the Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Conference opening ceremony at Cairo University Today we open our Liberation Radio: Dar es Salaam sessions: 2pm – Liberation Dance: When Tarzan Met the African Freedom Fighter An ongoing exploration of struggle music – literally, music produced by and through the movements and people involved in Africa’s liberation struggle, rather than about it. “Struggle Music” is also a misnomer, it designates collective expression which, although musical, refuses to be “music” – or …
We are proud to present a once-off performance of Masello Motana’s Vocal Museum at the Chimurenga Factory on 8 July 2022. The Vocal Museum is a sonic documentary, a journey into collective memory, an activation of the Azanian songbook by singer-satirist, actress and performance artist Masello Motana, backed by a live band. This foray into the South African Black Ark follows Masello’s earlier musical experiments through projects such as the kwaito revivalist outfit Thath’i Cover Okestra, or the out-soundings of …
We are pleased to present People Who Think Together, Dance Together #7, a series of conversations with Christian Nyampeta, recorded for radio (and video) rooted not in discipline, professionalism and scholarship but in friendship, love and affiliation. The series will be broadcast live from 6pm and features:– 24 May 2022: Olu Oguibe– 25 May 2022: Sasha Bonét and Hannah Black– 26 May 2022: Natacha Nsabimana and Emmanuel Olunkwa The conversations revolve around a new understanding of the diasporic as a …
Selected and mixed by Robert Machiri This piece presents various operators of the liberation struggle, across countries and movements, through a mix that brings together speech, music and struggle song. Maybe an attempt at presenting a cacophony of political vocalisations. Reproducing the sound of the liberation struggle in southern Africa as a totality of voices and music produced by militants across the region and beyond. As an attempt to expand on the “struggle song” beyond the chronological markers of political …
LIBERATION RADIO: La Discothèque de Sarah Maldoror*
DIALECTIC SOUL – live at the Chimurenga Factory
iPHUPHO L’KA BIKO – live at the Chimurenga Factory
Pan African Space Station is pleased to announce the return of iPhupho L’ka Biko to the Chimurenga Factory (157 Victoria Rd, Woodstock, Cape Town). Thursday, 31 March 2022 Doors open from 7pm, with limited capacity. R150 presale (bookings here) R180 at the door For further information: | +27 21 447 1119
LIBERATION RADIO: CAPE TOWN – 18 March 2022 – 3pm: Fugitive Archives
In the final broadcast, we discuss methods of recovering, curating, re-presenting and conserving black collective and fugitive practice. With Uhuru Phalafala, Sinazo Mtshemla, Lerato Kuzwayo, Kgomotso Ramushu. Dr Uhuru Phalafala is a scholar, an artist and lecturer at the University of Stellenbosch. She is author of the upcoming monograph on Keorapetse Kgositsile titled Black Radical Traditions from the South: Keorapetse Kgositsile and the Black Arts Movement. She heads a project that repatriates and republishes apartheid-era cultural production. Sinazo Mtshemla is a …