PASS Pop-up
PASS landing in Lisbon
Chimurenga and Hangar presented Radio MAC , a program curated by Sonia Vaz Borges and Monica de Miranda – live on PASS 14-21 June 2021.
Radio MAC is a reimagining of the radio organ of the Anti Colonialist Movement (MAC) founded by students and revolutionaries such as Marcelino dos Santos, Mario de Andrade and Aquino de Braganca in 1957 in Paris, in collaboration with Neto, Cabral and other nationalists in Lisbon.
Programming consisted of eight episodes on the role of radio and more broadly, sound, in the African liberation struggle against Portuguese colonialism, along with stories of migration. The constructed dialogues included music, speech, poetry, and performance.
Participants included: Raquel Lima, Telma Tvon, Carla Fernandes, Marinho Pina, Chalo Correia, Galissa, DJ Lucky, and Victor Gama.
Radio MAC is part of Chimurenga’s ongoing research on the aesthetics and politics of radio in Africa’s liberatory struggles.
[Photograph: Mário Soares Foundation / DAC – Amílcar Cabral Documents]
Sónia Vaz Borges is an interdisciplinary militant historian and social-political organizer. She is currently a researcher at Humboldt University Berlin in the History of Education Department and is working on the project “Education for all” with a special focus on Mozambique and the FRELIMO liberation movement, and the Sandinistas revolution in Nicaragua.
Mónica de Miranda is a Portuguese artist of Angolan origin who lives and works between Lisbon and Luanda. Artist and researcher, her work is based on themes of urban archeology and personal geography. She works in an interdisciplinary way with drawing, installation, photography, film, video and sound, in its expanded forms and within the boundaries between fiction and documentary. She co-founded the Hangar project (Artist Residency Centre, Lisbon, 2014).
14 June 2021
As tuas palavras já cansam – Raquel Lima: Raquel Lima é uma poetisa portuguesa, arte-educadora e investigadora em Estudos Pós-Coloniais, atualmente está a fazer o seu doutoramento na Universidade de Coimbra. Nesta conversa navegamos entre as palavras poéticas de Raquel e a narração de suas histórias e utopias.
Your words are tiring already – Raquel Lima: Raquel Lima is a Portuguese poet, art educator and researcher of Post-Colonial Studies, and she is currently doing her PhD at the University of Coimbra. In this conversation we navigate between the Raquel’s poetic words and the narration of her stories and utopias.
Listen to the episode here.
15 June 2021
Quando a guerra acabou o povo nos comandou – Chalo Correia: “Quando a guerra acabou o povo nos comandou” é uma conversa sobre o estado das coisas depois dos vários conflitos ocorridos em Angola. Apesar do passado e do presente, indagamos sobre as implicações na formação das diásporas ou do que ele chama de filhos do mundo. Chalo revisita através da sua obra, a poesia e letra de alguns conflitos, fazendo parte da memória coletiva angolana: colonização, guerra e imigração. Através das suas histórias e imagens pessoais consideradas parte integrante de suas canções, somos levados a uma jornada intensa, com o propósito de refletir sobre essas lutas. Chalo também tenta chamar a atenção para outros assuntos problemáticos, como a guerra do conhecimento, saúde e desenvolvimento. Ele aponta uma pergunta fundamental: Agora que a luta acabou, onde vamos?
The War Finished and People Lead Us – Chalo Correia: Chalo is an Angolan singer and composer who has lived in Portugal for 27 years. “When the war finished and people lead us’’ is a talk about the state of affairs after the various conflicts took place in Angola. Chalo revisits through his work, some of these conflicts which have been part of the collective Angolan memory. He points out the fundamental question: Now that the war is over where are we going?
Listen to the episode here.
16 June 2021
Rebeldes com Causa – Telma Tvon: Autora do livro “Um preto muito português” (Editora Chiado, 2017). A escritora e rapper Telma Tvon nasceu em Luanda, Angola, em 1980. Emigrou para Lisboa em 1993, onde frequentou o ensino secundário e abraçou aí a comunidade Hip-Hop. Rebeldes com causa é caminho que conduz a nossa conversa que conecta música, lugares, memórias com um percurso de escrita de “reconhecimento, atitude e palavreado”.
Rebels with a Cause – Telma Tvon: Author of the book “Um preto muito portugês” (Editora Chiado, 2017). The writer and rapper Telma Tvon was born in Luanda, Angola, in 1980. She migrated to Lisbon in 1993, where she attended secondary school and embraced the Hip Hop community and path that leads us in this “rebels with a cause”, a conversation that connects music, places, memories with a writing path of “recognition, attitude, and verbiage”.
Listen to the episode here.
17 June 2021
O futuro da terra – Galissa: Galissa é um músico guineense criado no seio de uma família de músicos tradicionais. No O futuro da terra, ele reflete sobre o passado e o presente da história da Guiné, defende que no futuro as mudanças podem ocorrer a partir de todas as falácias do passado e do presente. Galissa leva-nos numa imersão às suas memórias de infância e vivências durante a colonização e o período de guerra crescente na Guiné. Também partilha a sua experiência de imigração para Portugal nos anos 90.
The future of the land – Galissa: Galissa is a musician from Guinéa Bissau who has been raised in a family of traditional musicians. In the future of the land, he reflects on the past and present of Guinéa’s history by defending that the changes can occur out of all fallacies of the past and present. Gallisa navigates us in his childhood memories, his experiences during the colonization and war period growing in Guinéa. He elaborates on his encounters with the Amílcar Cabral message regarding the fight for freedom. Many of the meanings on his compositions are associated with this message.
Listen to the episode here.
18 June 2021
Eu migro entre línguas e língua – Marinho Pina: Geraldo Pina, conhecido por Marinho de Pina, é um artista performance e escritor, frequenta o programa de doutoramento do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL). Nesta conversa Marinho Pina irá partilhar o seu percurso migratório, tanto física como virtualmente, onde este quer ser considerado e reconhecido como “Gente, e nada mais que gente” na escrita de a uma “Querida Europa”, mas também para quem possa interessar.
I migrate between languages and tongues – Marinho Pina: Geraldo Pina, known as Marinho de Pina, is a performing artist and writer who currently attends a PhD program at the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). In this conversation Marinho Pina will share with us his migration path, both physically and virtually, where one wants to be considered as “People and nothing but people” in a letter to whom it may concern, but clearly directed to “Dear Europe”.
Listen to the episode here.
19 June 2021
Xee menino não falar política – DJ Lucky: Lucky é um Dj angolano que vive em Lisboa. Ele nasceu em Kinshasa, como resultado do êxodo da guerra de Angola para o Congo, regressou após a independência com sua família para Luanda. Ele destaca a importância das rádios e explica como os angolanos no Congo podem estar ligados às notícias pela rádio.
Xee boy, do not talk about politics – DJ Lucky: Lucky is an Angolan Dj living in Lisbon who was born in Kinshasa. As a result of the war exodus from Angola to Congo, he returned after the independence with his family to Luanda. He highlights the importance of the radios and explains how the Angolans in Congo can be connected to the news.
Listen to the episode here.
20 June 2021
Sermos autores de nós próprios – Carla Fernandes: Fundadora da Afrolis – Associação Cultural, organização que se dedica à promoção da expressão cultural e à construção de novas narrativas identitárias dos afrodescendentes. Carla Fernandes é jornalista, tradutora e produtora cultural. Em conjunto com Sónia Vaz Borges, ambas envolvem-se num diálogo que viaja entre o pessoal e profissional sobre as memórias, ambições e a criação de espaços africanos na capital portuguesa.
Being our own authors – Carla Fernandes: Founder of Afrolis – Cultural Association, an organization dedicated to the promotion of cultural expression and the construction of new identity narratives of People of African descent. Carla Fernandes is a journalist, translator, and cultural producer. Together with Sónia vaz Borges will engage in a personal and professional conversation about the memories, ambitions, and the creation of African spaces and in the Portuguese capital.
Listen to the episode here.
21 June 2021
War of the reptile men – Victor Gama: War of the reptile men é uma composição criada pelo compositor e músico angolano Victor Gama enquanto vivia em Angola durante os anos do conflito. Ele explica como a sintonização na rádio estática, durante o girar do botão, expandiu a sua compreensão das possibilidades da música e do som como um intermediário.
War of the reptile men – Victor Gama: Victor Gama is an Angolan composer whose process begins with the creation of an entirely new instrument, one whose design is steeped in symbolic meaning. War of the reptile men’ is a composition created by him while living in Angola during the conflict years. He explains how tuning into radio static, while turning the dial, expanded his understanding of the possibilities of both music and sound as a medium.
Liasten to the episode here.
PASS landing at Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Paris
From 5-9 May 2021, Chimurenga’s Pan African Space Station (PASS) landed at Lavoir Moderne Parisien in Goutte d’or, Paris, to imagine, re-examine and re-circulate sonic archives of black radicalism in the francophone world. This session dug into the “soundtrack” (bande-son), an underlying container of information and ideas that is seldom explored on its own terms. We departed from cinematic practice, specifically films/filmmakers (Julius-Amedee Laou, Elsie Haas, Med Hondo, Kanor sisters, Sarah Maldoror, etc) represented in the printed archive we had …
PASS landing at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
![National Theatre, Lagos (during Festac). From ICA mag](
From Wednesday, 17 – Saturday, 20 February, 2021, Pan African Space Station (PASS) broadcast a daily session, produced for ‘Actions of Art and Solidarity’, a group exhibition curated by Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) in Oslo and organised with Kunstnernes Hus. These PASS transmissions unpacked and expanded stories and research published in the Festac ’77 book in which we revisited the imaginative (im)possibilities of pan African festivals (the PANAFESTs) that took place in the utopian moments of the post-independence …
FESTAC 77: PASS landing at Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, New York City
From 23-25 October 2019, Chimurenga’s Pan African Space Station (PASS) at Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries, New York City, explored three narratives related to the participation of African American artists and intellectuals at FESTAC ’77, the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture, held in Lagos in 1977. Wed 23 October 2019, 4pm – 7pm: Sun Ra Arkestra and the jazz avant-garde at FESTAC As revealed in Chimurenga’s recent publication which compiles stories from/about FESTAC, Sun Ra’s Astro/Afro-mysticism was …
PASS landing at MUMA, Melbourne
From 11-13 April 2019, the Pan African Space Station landed in the stolen and occupied land of the Boonwurrung (of the Kulin nation), in what is known today as Australia. Invited by Monash University Museum of Art (MUMA) as part of an exhibition entitled Shapes of Knowledge, PASS explored “Black Australia” historical and current connections to pan Africanism and their participation in FESTAC ’77 – the 2nd World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture which took place in Lagos in …
PASS landing at La Colonie, Paris
Chimurenga returned to Paris for a 5-day intervention and installation at La Colonie. From December 13 – 17, 2017, we installed a live radio station and a research library, and hosted talks, screenings and performances that asked ‘Who Killed Kabila?’, as the starting point for an in-depth investigation into power, territory and the creative imagination. The equation was simple: the length of a Congolese president’s reign is proportional to his/her willingness to honour the principle that the resources of …
PASS Landing at National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Harare
From 9 – 12 November, the Pan African Space Station (PASS) landed in The National Gallery of Zimbabwe (NGZ) in the centre of Harare. In collaboration with visual artist Kudzanai Chiurai, who launched his first ever solo exhibition in his home country titled ‘We Need New Names’, Chimurenga installed the PASS studio as a public research platform towards a Zimbabwe focused issue of the Chimurenga Chronic. Looking into the inventions of Zimbabwe, the programming examined music as the paradigm through which the …
PASS landing at Museo Tamayo, Mexico City
From 4 October – 26 November 2017, the Pan African Space Station (PASS) broadcast LIVE from Museo Tamayo, Mexico City. For 8 weeks, the PASS studio functioned as “ecole du soir” (evening school) – a meeting place, a classroom, and laboratory where different worlds converged. The radio programming explored the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana, contemporary South Atlantic exchanges and Afro-Mexican cultures – a public research platform toward a forthcoming edition of the Chimurenga Chronic on these themes. It also served as a …
PASS landing at CiC Library, Cairo
From 16 -19 February 2017, the Pan African Space Station landed at the library of Contemporary Image Collective (CiC) in downtown Cairo. Over the four days, PASS in Cairo became an improvisational platform for research and deeper explorations into imagined and imaginary borders, featuring live readings, performances and conversations with Chimurenga collaborators in the city. Thursday, 16 February: Filtered Conversations (remixed) Based on her project, Filtered Conversations, Remixed, Amanda KM had a conversation about previous conversations. She was joined by Shatha …
PASS landing at OBA Central Library, Amsterdam
From 11 -15 December 2016, the Pan African Space Station (PASS) landed in Amsterdam, transmitting live from the OBA Central Library. The PASS live studio featured a 5-day programme as an experiment in speaking, listening, playing, partying and community; as a performance and exhibition space; a research platform and living archive. Programmed and performed by Chimurenga, PASS in Amsterdam featured collaborations with artists, filmmakers, writers, musicians and rebels whose practices draw from and respond to a variety of contexts; to prompt …