Lindokuhle Nkosi
The New Thing
Boeta Gee‘s audio accompaniment to Lindokuhle Nkosi‘s story on the rebirth of the new thing in Cape Town’s jazz scene, published in the Chronic.
Roll Call:
Bokani Dyer
Kyle Shepherd
Sibusiso ‘PhD’ Dlamini
Spha Mdlalose
Linda Tshabalala
Jonno Sweetman
Lwanda Gogwana
Mandla Mlangeni
Darren English
Sisonke Xonti
Ethan Smith
Siya Charles
Claude Cozens
Texito Langa
Andre Swartz
Benjamin Jephta
Shane Cooper
Reza Khota
Keenan Chas Ahrends
Sakhile Moleshe
Bronwen Clacherty
Nicholas Williams
Thandi Ntuli
Lana Crowster
Wandile Molefe
Vuyo Sotashe
Marlon Clive Witbooi
James McClure
Joe Bolton
Mandisi Dyantyis
Shaun Johannes
Ronan Skillen
Emily Bruce
Lindokuhle Nkosi’s story from the Chronic on Cape Town’s new wave of jazz cats is available in print here or as a PDF.
JitsVinger: practicing, not preaching

By Lindokuhle Nkosi Jitsvinger is concerned with matters of identity. Language. Land. Becoming. Being. He delves deep into the “who are you” and “why”. Through his lyrical, rhythmic fast-paces rhymes, he aims to do more that entertain. He enlightens. In stark comparison to the flashy, bling-culture of the hip hop of late, he wears his humility like a cloak. “People always wonder about how I made it. How I’m making a living of my art but they don’t know what …