Nearing the End

That would be the end for the time being…


  1. I’m so glad i got to program the Smedley Butler essay as rendered by my good friend Chris Brandt.
    He did such a great job with Butler’s words…
    Chris was part of the NOMMO Radio cytoplasm; that would be the huge crew that made up NOMMO Radio at the end of the 1980’s.
    Let’s see if i can remember all the components…
    We had:
    Four rotating news people
    Two interns
    Two African lyrical libationers
    Two resident poets
    A resident herbologist
    A resident historian
    and a host of sound gatherers

    When i became the Arts Director for WBAI i gave up the program as i knew i couldn’t do the administrative works of running the department, which included being the music director, the director of Drama and Literature, and coordinate various arts programming as well as the music, dance, art and theatre critics.

    Doing a radio program in New York on the level i set for NOMMO Radio was just too time consuming. It was a weekly program that was dense packed to an almost unbearable audio level.

    When i left the job 5 years later i did reconstitute NOMMO Radio to the form i kept until leaving the States in 2003.

    Now NOMMO Radio exists when i want, when i’m ready, willing and able.

    Who knows, maybe if the Heliocentrics can pull it off…

    - PASS


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