Hannibal Barca

The North African military genius…



  1. why do you keep restricting yourselves to only the story of hannibal? is it not part of the/our problem the categories we assign to knowledge? while i am interested in learning about hannibal, i think the conversation you keep suppressing – about how information is produced, transmitted and circulated, and consumed (eg. in universities, on the internet, etc.) – is much more critical today

    - maletsatsi
    • Grade A stuff. I’m unquestoinably in your debt.

      - Willie
  2. Unfortunately we had to concerntrate on one topic at the time. the next time the station runs I’ll bid for the information dissemination slot. I hope you enjoyed never the less!

    - Tumi


Category: Pass Radio, Passcasts 2010 | Bookmark: permalink.