the Lwanda Gogwana song

Eastern Cape born trumpeter, Lwanda Gogwana and his quartet are back with more multi-layered melodic-free grooves that weave cool bluesy intonations and a funky bop attitude through some edgier idioms.

Tonight they’re playing funkity jazz original compositions and jazz standards off The Lwanda Gogwana Songbook Chapter 1.

In the mean time, listen in on a previous set here.


  1. Ahem…don’t believe everything you read Lwanda didn’t write “live funkity jazz collaboration,” it was written by Neo. And you know it was Neo because who else would come up with a word like funkity. But we ain’t mad or jealous, cause the description fits.

  2. Let me go check and see which drummer is drumming, since we have two tonight.

  3. Right now it’s Claude…who is just a grooving with Bydon on the Bass.

  4. Ah-h-h, they are definitely in the groove…nice, very nice.
    What say you?


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