Raquel Lima
RADIO MAC – 14 June 2021 – 6pm: As tuas palavras já cansam / Your words are tiring already – Raquel Lima
As tuas palavras já cansam – Raquel Lima
Raquel Lima é uma poetisa portuguesa, arte-educadora e investigadora em Estudos Pós-Coloniais, atualmente está a fazer o seu doutoramento na Universidade de Coimbra. Nesta conversa navegamos entre as palavras poéticas de Raquel e a narração de suas histórias e utopias.
Your words are tiring already – Raquel Lima
Raquel Lima is a Portuguese poet, art educator and researcher of Post-Colonial Studies, and she is currently doing her PhD at the University of Coimbra. In this conversation we navigate between the Raquel’s poetic words and the narration of her stories and utopias.
PASS landing in Lisbon

Chimurenga and Hangar presented Radio MAC , a program curated by Sonia Vaz Borges and Monica de Miranda – live on PASS 14-21 June 2021. Radio MAC is a reimagining of the radio organ of the Anti Colonialist Movement (MAC) founded by students and revolutionaries such as Marcelino dos Santos, Mario de Andrade and Aquino de Braganca in 1957 in Paris, in collaboration with Neto, Cabral and other nationalists in Lisbon. Programming consisted of eight episodes on the role of radio …