Ethan Smith Quartet live on Pass at Tagore’s

The Thrill on Trill.

Ethan on Sax & Flutes; Kyle Shepherd on Keys; Brydon Bolton on Bass and Claude Cozens on Drums


  1. Theo is gonna do some blogging for you…wait for it.

    - audiodramatist
  2. It’s all happening here LIVE at Tagore’s with The Ethan Smith Quartet.

    The intimacy of Tagore’s together with an appreciative,captivated audience has to be the perfect sound canvass for the musical compositions of the ever progressive Smith. While it is clear that each member of the Quartet has a great command of his instrument there is never an attempt to compete; rather they allow each other to express themselves freely and openly… Hope you are loving this.

  3. Speaking from my pearch, i think the musicians are doing some of the finest work i’ve heard in some time.

    - audiodramatist
  4. This is too good…i’m gonna hve to abandon my station and see just how Brydon is working that bass.

    - audiodramatist
  5. Wow what a beautiful 1st set that was. With that last tune Smith revealed more than the of his music…through his poetry he drew us closer into a deeper connection with his true self …
    “Man know thy self. Man know thyself… By three methods we learn to know ourselves… Through experience, bitterness. Through immitation, easiest… And through reflection, noblest.” Stay tuned for more …

  6. These musicians are really conquering this night. They will return shortly…

    Meanwhile you are hearing fromErik Truffaz on the Blue Note lable from a release titled Bending New Corners.

    - audiodramatist
  7. Huge technical difficulities…Sorry but we have to go back to the playlist…

    - audiodramatist
  8. Okay, looks like we’re back…thank goodness

    - audiodramatist
  9. Da-a-a-amn, Kyle Shepherd on the Roland RD600 piano, Blaydon Bolton on the Double Bass, Claude Cozens on the three cymbals, High hat with tambourine, snare drum and bass drum…tremendous stick work…and Ethan Smith bringing the quartet together with his Tenor Sax, soprano sax and flute.
    What an experience…They will be back next week…i will miss them as i am travelling…but don’t you miss such bliss.

    - audiodramatist


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