In conversation with Studio Kabako More more more Future

Faustin Linyekula speaks on More more more Future

PASS Central hosts choreographer, artist Faustin Linyekula of Studio Kabako More more more Future. In studio right now!!



  1. Ntone Edjabe speaks to Faustin Linyekula, choreographer for the collective.

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  2. The work as Faustin describes investigates ruins (the physical and internal-emotional)- ‘it’s somewhere between a scream and a lullaby’

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  3. speaking now is Neo Muyanga.

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  4. Mimi wants to know how Faustin has managed to create works that defy definition, that live outside of any immediate genre or category.

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  5. ‘A lot of Congolese music, musicians like Kofi Olomide and Papa Wemba have music videos that have a lot of flash. Does that inform any part of your work at all?’- Mimi Ngo’k

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  6. The City hall is the venue for Faustin’s once off performance tomorrow night.

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  7. ‘We have addressed the flashiness in Congolese music now. I’d like to know how Congolese music influenced your work?’ Terry (she named franco, mbilia bel & Tabu Ley Rochereau)

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