Launching Bianca, the othaship… PASS 2010
Its crunch time and space queen Bianca the other ship takes PASS to the street, no url required… step to it, hop!! PASS Done come!!
Ask the artist
The blue prints for the othaship act as a poster for PASS 2010 and seeing her translated from ink on page to a shadow casting sound sculpture in St Georges Mall is a chuckle worthy surreal excursion. She’s called Bianca and Douglas simply shrugs his shoulders when I ask him to elaborate. Bianca is the mistress Mobutu dreamt of but failed to woo. After much tinkering, tree climbing and wrench turning from Douglas she asserts a willful skewness, pointing slightly …
Sumbrella competition
umbrella mix-1 PASS come with light spring showers and we’d like to cover you with tickets to a live event if you can name the group/DJ responsible for this rendition of Rihana’s Umbrella.
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Boomerang of the Legend Andy Williams
It’s Thursday evening and the I’ve spent the day trawling through bios of artists who’ll contribute to PASS radio. In parrot fashion (the bling, purple and yellow feather kind) I can recite almost all google articles on Andy Williams, Closet Snare, Dala Flat Music etc. I’m busy loading my bag, when I’m told Andy Williams is in town. I fail to ask when it is that I am to meet him, I will eventually. It’s at Tagores that I bump …