This week live

Tagore’s Jazz Bar [ 42 Trill Road, Observatory, Cape Town ]

Wednesday 11 July: Blacky Tempi’s Quartet featuring legendary pianist Tete Mambisa. Big sounds, swinging township melodies, sophisticated soulful harmonic voicings and a celebratory African rhythmic drive. Basically, the stuff of legends. Don’t miss it.

Thursday 12 July: Ntone in session

Friday 13 July: Makwerhu fuse African styles with seminal boogie funk, rock, classic ska, rocksteady and reggae roots.

Saturday 14 July: Warongx bring Khaya blues Raw, loud and proud mix of wide warm blues yodelling, homegrown field hollering, revolutionary lyrical dexterity and soul-drenched, jazzy playing.

All shows from 9.30pm and free

For the live stream hit the ‘Listen to the live stream’ link on the left.



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