Triple Canopy
Triple Canopy – Passage of a Rumor
Triple Canopy, a magazine based in New York, present a performative reading of their new series, Passage of a Rumor, edited with Ralph Lemon, which considers how and why we talk about the value and potential acquisition of ephemeral works of art.
“I and others make stuff up about what’s happening, and, more compellingly, about what might happen, knowing that one cannot predict what will happen, given life’s ephemeral relationship to life and life’s partially ephemeral relationship to art.” – Ralph Lemon, “I’d Rather Talk About the Post-part”, Passage of a Rumor, Triple Canopy, 2015
Triple Canopy is a magazine based in New York. Since 2007, Triple Canopy has advanced a model for publication that encompasses digital works of art and literature, public conversations, exhibitions, and books. Working closely with artists, writers, technologists, and designers, they produce projects that demand considered reading and viewing.
Thursday 12 November runnings

Day two of the PASS Pop-up in NYC opens with Chimurenga Library resident, poet and choreographer Harmony Holiday at 3pm. She presents words and sounds from her Astro/Afrosonics Archive, a collection of Jazz Poetics and audio culture. In her own words: “Since the 1950s, jazz music and the literary imagination have been inextricably linked, producing transcendent recordings and written work and many hybrids of the two – a new sonics, an AntiqueFuturism – From Langston Hughes and Kenneth Rexroth and …
PASS in NY: Triple Canopy

For PASS at Peforma 15, Triple Canopy, a magazine based in New York, present a performative reading of their new series, Passage of a Rumor, edited with Ralph Lemon, considers how and why we talk about the value and potential acquisition of ephemeral works of art. “I and others make stuff up about what’s happening, and, more compellingly, about what might happen, knowing that one cannot predict what will happen, given life’s ephemeral relationship to life and life’s partially ephemeral …