Champeta Punk

PASS in Mexico: Champeta Punk











Champeta Punk will be residents of the Pan African Space Station LIVE from Mexico City from 31 October – 5 November (no broadcast on Wednesday 1 November due to Dia de los Muertos/Day of the Dead), everyday from 16:00 – 20:00 (CDT). Tune in via

Champeta Punk is a party collective based in Mexico City and Bogotá. Started in 2013 by two Colombians living in Mexico City, David Rincon and Fabian Vega, the collective’s research interest is on the legacy of Champeta music.

Their programme, titled K-Z  (Ka-Zeta/Caseta) RADIONÁUTICA, is a tribute to audio and visual culture in Colombian Picó from the ‘70s to the ‘90s. The collective will be in conversation with actors from the champeta scene in both Mexico and Bogota, and will play a selection of music by traditional casetas and picós from the Colombian Caribbean coast.

For more, follow us on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Mixcloud

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