Afrikadaa: Silence Break On Air
Do not adjust your stream. Afrikadaa are at the controls.
Joining Pascale Obolo tonight: Nadia Yala Kisukidi, Michele Magema, Compagnie BonneEnfant and DJ Reyz (aka Dudley Slang).
Merci Christiane Prince, Claude Grunitzky, Lord Eraze and all who’ve contributed so far.
More on Afrikadaa’s journal and various goings-on here.
PASS in Paris profile: Afrikadaa
Founded by Carole Diop and Pascale Obolo in 2010, Afrikadaa create platforms to provide virtual and physical space(s) for the exchange and development of ideas relating to “Afro Design and Contemporary Arts”. Themes to their magazine and regular events include: Anthropologismes, Is black a colour?, E-Motional, Afro-Futurism, and Visability. Their next issue, Afrikadaa #10, examines links between art and sound (read the call for contributions here). For the PASS POP-UP in Paris, Afrikadaa will present Silence Break On Air, hosted by …